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Moodle Workshop Module Tutorial

This video gives a short introduction to the Moodle Workshop Module, and how it can be used to set up an anonymous peer review exercise for students. Students submit a short written piece, and are then randomly allocated submissions from other students which they have to assess following criteria set by the instructor. I used […]

History of Social Media Influencers

How did social media influencers start? Also known as ‘microcelebrities’, social media influencers are an increasingly important part of the digital marketing landscape – mostly on Instagram and YouTube, but across many other platforms too. Basically, they attract an audience by providing content based on their personal lives and/or interests – and when enough people […]

BFM Radio Interviews

I’ve been interviewed on the BFM Evening Edition a couple of times recently – here are the links to the relevant extracts: Cambridge Analytica: Damaging Democracy with Data Video Killed the Radio Star It’s interesting how it works. They will contact me in the early afternoon with some questions and ask if I can comment. […]